2019 ACC Grant Recipients


Editor’s Note - The Alpine Club of Canada maintains or administers permanent funds to which people may apply for financial support for their mountain-related projects and initiatives. Support is provided in the form of annual cash grants and scholarships to individuals and groups who are judged as best meeting the selection criteria.

Today, we're proud to announce the 2019 winners of the ACC Environment Grant, the Karl Nagy Memorial Scholarship and the Jim Colpitts Memorial Scholarship.

Congratulations to all of our winners!

“Arctic Change” - ACC Environment Fund

Photo: Zoltan Kenwell

- Lauren Erland

Lauren will travel to Iqaluit and Resolute regions in Nunavut on Baffin and Cornwallis Islands to collect plant seeds that are not currently deposited in the world’s germplasm banks. The specific objectives are to deposit these collections into seed banks both in Canada and internationally, in order to preserve the flora and fauna of the area.

ACC funded: $2,000

“Preservation of the Waterline wall” - ACC Environment Fund

- TAWKROC (The Association of West Kootenay Rock Climbers)

This initiative is looking to preserve the Waterline Wall climbing crag. TAWKROC will purchase the land from ownership that currently threatens the area with commercial development.

ACC funded: $5,000

2019 GMC - Karl Nagy Memorial Scholarship

- Natasha Salway

Photo: Amy Liu, from the 2017 GMC

Natasha will be spending a week at the 2019 Westfalls General Mountaineering Camp. The camp has the intent of observing and assisting current guides and amateur leaders.

ACC funded: $1,995

AST2 course - Jim Colpitts Memorial Scholarship

- Ben Pearman

Ben’s funding went toward the completion of an AST 2, spending 4 days in the backcountry, learning about avalanche safety. His motive for doing this is so he can safely lead student trips.

ACC funded: $500

Photo: Ben Pearman

Photo: Ben Pearman

Photo: Ben Pearman

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